Tag Archives civil ceremony

A romantic wedding in Tivoli – just outside magnificent Rome

Rome is Rome!

Nothing better than… Rome could describe such a wonderful city!
However its surroundings are amazing too. Maybe they are less known but surely interesting and appealing almost as Rome is.
Today we would like to tell you about little village of Tivoli.
Tivoli could be ideal for intimate weddings but even for bigger events. Being so close to Rome you could plan your ceremony in this lovely corner of “romanity” and then move to bigger Villas overlooking Rome skyline or smaller restaurant in Castelli Romani countryside.

Campidoglio Wedding Hall: your civil ceremony in the heart of Rome

As you know we always want to keep you posted on news and updates for your special wedding in Rome. We have a brand new and great one today!

As many of you know civil ceremonies in Campidoglio in Rome were allowed only on week ends with very few availability due to the bookings of local weddings.
Amazing Red room of Campidoglio palace, the city hall of Rome now opens its doors to civil weddings on Friday!
This could be an amazing option for non-resident to book their civil ceremony in the beating heart of Rome.

Legal Civil Ceremony at Odescalchi Castle in Santa Marinella

We already told you about many weddings we plan at Odescalchi Castle in Santa Marinella just few km from Rome.

Today we are here to tell you about a great news! From this month April 2014 – you can plan a legal civil ceremony in the grounds of the Castle!
Isn’t it a great news. We are happy to share it with you!

A wedding on the rocks of Ulisse riviera

The venue that I wish to propose you today is a real ”mind farm” a temple of the soul where nature has no limits.

The villa is located Inside Circeo’s National Park between Rome and Naples, which has been described as: “A promontory, an island, over 20 miles of dunes overlooking the sea, four coastal lakes, over 3000 hectares of forest, hundreds of plant and animal species, the historic villages of Sabaudia and San Felice, wonders such as the Villa of Domitiano and the village of Fogliano. Here the man lives since prehistoric times and has been able to maintain a balance between his presence and the surroundings.”

Country Chic Wedding

If you are thinking about a informal but elegant wedding on Lake Bracciano, just few minutes from eternal city of Rome this could be the perfect venue.

This was Justine and John’s choice.
They fell in love with the area just because for the charm of Roman appeal and atmosphere. However they wanted to keep a sort of country feeling to let enjoy the party also for their young children and about 15 young guests.
What’s better than Roman are where all is relaxed and just so quaint.
The villa they finally choose for their special event matched the elegance of a five stars hotel with a very Roman familiar atmosphere.